A downloadable game

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My first ever game, is it good? No. Is it playable? ...yeah?

FBPS: You're a guy, jumping through terrain, smoking cigarettes, collecting vials and throwing them at weird monster people.

WASD - To move
E - To throw vials (you must have at least 1)
Space - To jump, you can double jump

This is an early alpha, just a small playable version of my first game ever. All assets, animations etc were made by me.

Contact Finnfx on Discord to report bugs or suggest features.

Changelog: (0.2.1)

New Features: Wallsliding! - On Mud (dark brown) walls you can wallslide with an extra jump afterwards, and on Ink (grey) you can slip up and down them for extra speed.
A Main menu (finally)
A new (half built) level that takes advantage of wallsliding
A new friend near the campsite :3


Rewrote jumping system (again :c)
Fixed / added wallslide vial animations 

Future features:

Finish the new level
Maybe add a few more mechanics

Updated 9 days ago


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FBPS 0.2.1.zip 737 MB

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